A&R Homestead

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The Eye-Catching And Murderous Roul Roul Partridges

It was decided early that we will not be producing the usual number of celadon chicks or offering adults this year for a multitude of reasons. Some which are beyond our control but mostly because we have been busier than we expected since the pandemic bestowed itself upon our great planet. Shipping woes aside, we just lack the time to hatch, rear and wait for the quick-maturing celadons that we have come to enjoy. Instead, I’ve decided to work on an entirely different project that unexpectedly fell into my lap.

I had been searching all of last year for something new. I didn’t know what I was really looking for but I knew I wanted something compact, challenging and noticeably impressive. I have most of that in my mearns and although they are quite the breed, I wanted to try something new! I’ve had many conversations with individuals in all walks of life about birds, homesteading, etc. It’s always refreshing to talk to people that share the same passions. I decided to reach out to a friend of mine who has been raising birds for well over 20 years. He’s been successful for quite some time so when I am in search of new specimens, I will almost always reach out to the well-seasoned breeders first. Our conversations are always pleasant and contain an abundance of sustenance. I explained what I may be in search of, what my intentions are and of course, he provides contact info. I thank him for his willingness to share his sources and wealth of knowledge. He has been quite helpful with many things. I took the jump and reached out to his contact. Speaking with the gentleman on the other end, I was jumping for joy when I learned what I was searching for is available! Exotic birds are quite rare and there aren’t very many breeders let alone keepers. So, Quantity would be irrelevant to me as long as I was afforded the opportunity. Well, low and behold- that something new fell into my lap in a moment’s notice. Roul Roul hatching eggs!

Exploding with excitement, I pull out my RCOM MX and start that baby up in preparation for my latest project. We all know this could end in two ways- successfully or in complete disaster but that is the risk that everyone takes when purchasing hatching eggs, be it exotic or common. Of course, my express shipment is late but I was so excited to get these eggs that it didn’t dawn on me for a few days. I wasn’t necessarily angry or upset but more so worried because it is still Cooler and I didn’t want my box left out in the cold so I patiently waited by the window.

As I am writing this, we are on day 7 of incubation and all eggs are viable. I can’t tell you how happy I am with this. Of course as incubation progressed, things went as well as they could but all developed up until the very end.

Update: we ended up with a single female in this particular clutch but overall, getting 1 bird to hatch from shipped eggs is deemed successful in our opinion.